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Pet Friendly Artificial Grass
Serving Glendale Arizona and All Surrounding Cities

A Proud Latino-Owned Company

Verde Artificial Grass and Supplies sells high-quality artificial grass to Glendale, AZ homeowners who want to find solutions to common problems faced by residents of Arizona’s desert climate. We are a Hispanic owned business and speak Spanish for those who need it. We proudly welcome the Latino community and build relationships with our customers. We want our customers to feel comfortable finding affordable landscaping solutions despite language barriers, and we work hard to ensure we always have options at our warehouse and showroom. Place your trust in our experienced team today.

About Us
yard with artificial grass

We Offer 16-Year Warranties on All Products

As we all know, Arizona lacks regular rainfall. Because of these climate issues, maintaining a healthy and lush lawn is a serious chore. For years, there was little property owners could do but try in vain to eliminate brown spots on their property. Synthetic grass is the solution to these problems. By investing in our products, you will experience a low-maintenance lawn and enjoy the added benefit of being environmentally conscious. And best of all, you can do it with the peace of mind that comes with a 16-year warranty. For installation, we will direct you to a trusted partner that will install your synthetic grass. No matter which grass option you choose, you can be certain you will reap the benefits.

yard with artificial grass

An Ownership Group With Years of Experience

Our ownership group has years of experience in various areas, ensuring they can provide you with unparalleled customer service. And while we might be one of the only companies with a storefront in the region, we still strive to create a welcoming, professional, and comprehensive experience for our residential and commercial clients. We won’t take you for granted. We’re a combination of unique skills. Luis brings years of landscaping experience to the table and can speak knowledgeably about our products. Edward and Diana possess years of office and business experience. Together, we can help you simplify your life.


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